This is sweet, fun, and easy to whip up!
Mummy Apple Puffed Pastry
4 - Apples
1 c. - Sugar
1/4 c. - Brown Sugar
1 Tbsp. - Flour
1/2 c. - Pecans
2 - Puffed Pastry Sheet
1 - Egg White
Preheat oven to 475°F.
Peel apples and slice.
Mix in sugars and flour with sliced apples.
Spray a large casserole dish and add a layer of puffed pastry.
Line apples then pecans, and another layer of apples.
Cut the second sheet of puffed pastry with a pizza cutter and lay on top of the apples.
Brush with egg whites.
Bake for 30 to 45 minutes.
Add eyeballs.