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Welcome to my 13 days of Halloween!


Let's start the spooky season off right with these adorable (I mean scary) Jack-o-Lantern Spaghetti Stuffed Peppers.

Jack-o-Lantern Spaghetti Stuffed Peppers

6 - Bell Peppers

1/2 box- Pasta

12 oz - Impossible Burger “Ground Beef”

1/4 c - Diced Onion

1/4 c. - Diced Bell Pepper

2 Tbsp. - Garlic

1 jar - Pasta Sauce (I used about 3 c. Homemade tomato sauce)

1 tbsp - Burger Seasoning (*check out my patty melt recipe on instagram for the recipe!!)

1/4 c. - Shredded Mozzarella

  1. Cook Pasta as instructed on the box

  2. Preheat oven to 350°F.

  3. Remove the tops of the peppers, remember to save them!

  4. Using a sharp pairing, cut out jack-o-lantern faces.

  5. Cook impossible meat with seasoning until browned.

  6. Add in diced peppers, onions , and garlic, cook for about 3 minutes.

  7. Add the sauce and cooked pasta to the meat sauce.

  8. Add the cheese to the bottom of the peppers and stuff with pasta mixture.

  9. Bake for 30 Minutes.

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